It feels like a new years resolution vibe for me at the moment. So much is changing in and around me. Enough good, that I am hopeful fo rthe first time in a while. I feel excited, positive, and uneasy with it all. Stressed and anxious.

On the positive fronts, a new government. I am no huge fan of Starmer but have been holding out hope the (small c) conservative approach to the party's election campaign, has merely been to not rock the boat and to ensure they get into power. There are small signs of a more progressive and radical approach based on some of the appointments, if not the rhetoric. I will take actionsover words any day.

I've also agreed to take part in a 10k run in 8 weeks which has forced me to get off my arse and start training. Combined with gettign back on my bike for the bi-weekly commute to Cardiff, and continuing with the bi-weekly visit to the climbing gym, I'm hopeful of shifting into some kind of shape in the coming months.

A challenging year at work in a difficult market is hopefully turning a corner. Many things to fix and overcome but I'm hoping we can all be buoyed by a sense that something good is round the corner.

And so back to the blog, where I'm hopeful I can change the pattern of short burst of activity followed by years of neglect.

We shall see on all of the above.